Friday, May 30

Opensource is present even in Indian President's agenda

Our esteemed Indian President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam has again proved that he is a true visionary. In his recent speech at International Institute of Information Technology in the university city of Pune insisted the use of Opensource technologies. He further added that open-source software offers developing nations such as India the best opportunity to modernize.
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Read the transcript at official president of India website

It is very much true that India which is a developing country and major provide of Information Technology Intellect to the entire world must start focussing on the opensource movement not from the point of view of individual programmers and uses but as a country. Indian educational institutes are already showing the initiative by incorporating the opensource in the syllabus, the students are also encouraged to take up opensource projects. On top of it, Indian government and large institutions like banks, etc have started recognizing opensource in their official IT Tenders. The only thing which is required is to change the attitude towards the opensource ... " Opensource is not cheap alternative, It is the serious alternative".