Thursday, March 11

India: One of the most closed economy

US Trade Representative Robert Zoellick declares india as ''one of the most closed economies of the world," and hence it should not complain about US being protectionist against Outsourcing.
''The Indians have absolutely no right to complain because they don't belong to the government procurement code'' in the World Trade Organization (WTO), which sets obligations for making procurement deals transparent, he said, ''and, frankly, they're not that liberal on the services side.'' ''The long-stalled WTO negotiations have a chance to advance in 2004, he said, but only if all parties are willing to open agricultural markets, including elimination of export subsidies by the European Union.


Robert Zoellick's Free Trade Evangelism

Robert Zoellick's Free Trade Evangelism | By Toni Solo | CorpWatch [Holding Corporations Accountable]