neoIT and Managing Offshore announce the Offshore 100
[ Via IndusNexus ] neo-IT Press Release :
neoIT, the leading offshore advisory and management firm, and CMP’s Managing Offshore, the monthly newsletter for global-sourcing managers, announced today the results of the first annual ‘Offshore 100’ joint research project to assess BPO (business process outsourcing) and ITO (information technology outsourcing) service providers from around the world.
The ‘Offshore 100’ project was initiated in September 2004 with surveys issued to global service providers in 13 different countries to assess four primary areas: service provider company information, client data, operational capabilities and human resource policies. Over the ensuing 2 months, neoIT and Managing Offshore collected over 250 different data points from a wide range of service providers located in thirteen countries with strong representation from offshoring destination leaders India, The Philippines, China, Russia, Malaysia and Mexico.
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