Wednesday, May 12

Rajesh Jain : The Daily Blogger

Rajesh Jain writes, how he is able to keep up with his blog
When I started, I was clear about one thing: that the blog would be updated daily. And except for two weekend days just after I started, that has been the case. It is a lesson I learnt from the IndiaWorld days: you have to become a daily part of the life of your readers. This is also what I tell every person who I recommend blogging to – have something new everyday. It is not difficult; it just requires a discipline and determination. It daily blogging is a commitment we make, our readers will reciprocate by making a daily visit. Given that there is so much happening everyday and our minds are constantly active and thinking, it is not a very difficult thing to do. Near-ubiquitous connectivity, even when one is travelling, makes posting a trivial exercise.

What has spurred the writing revolution for me is the ease of the blogging tool. Using MovableType is very easy. I am not dependent on any other person for posting to the blog. Once the blog has been set up, no technical expertise is needed. This simplicity of the blogging tools has laid the foundation for the two-way web that we are seeing emerge around us.

Also read his views on Andra Pradesh Election Verdit 2004.
Back to the question. What went wrong for Naidu, and before him Digvijay Singh? In two words, rising expectations. While there is an anti-incumbency element (people's desire for a change), there's much more to it. People want a lot more and a lot faster. They want a basic quality of life that most of the Indian governments have still not been able to deliver. Development for the most part has been uneven. In a democracy, there is "one person, one vote." And sometimes, we living in the cities forget that there is another India that has barely changed. [Read my "Rajasthan Ruminations" written after a visit earlier in the year.] Education, Electricity, Water, Opportunities - we are still not able to provide these to the majority of Indians. And the elections are the only time they can have their say.