Tuesday, July 15

'India can overtake China as economic power' - The Times of India

Can India overtake China

"Not only is entrepreneurship thriving in India, entrepreneurs have become folk heroes. These success stories would never have happened if India lacked the infrastructure needed to support Narayana Murthy and other would-be moguls. But democracy, a tradition of entrepreneurship, and a decent legal system have given India the underpinning necessary for free enterprise to flourish,"Noted by Yasheng Huang, associate professor at Sloan School of Management at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Tarun Khanna, professor at Harvard Business School in a study in the recent issue of Foreign Policy.

"If India can achieve 6 per cent growth with a ball and chain around its ankles, then think what could be achieved with proper government reforms," says Suman Bery, head of the National Council for Applied Economic Research, a leading thinktank in New Delhi. IN Why India is singing in the rain By Edward Luce and Ray Marcelo

Many people have posted negative comments in response to TOI article. Just one note to them, "India is never a priority or never a compeition because of Politicians who always act as hurdle in the development. They don't bring reforms, the reforms have to rise on their own because they no longer can be kept burried deep inside. India will become a India of our dreams because of Indians. Indian not as in politics & indian not as in religion, but indian as in 'spirit'" - Santoshkumar